This particular assignment had no requirements except that the images must be made in the three inch by three inch squares. I have done collages before, and I even did one in the first entry to this blog, but for these collages I wanted to place my own limitations on this project. I had to do these three collages without running to Michael's to buy supplies for them. 
    I am a very organized person and I like to plan out my projects. Not being able to plan for these was a challenge. I had to find household objects and this is what I came up with. 
     For image number 1(below right), I used my study tabs from post it notes and some crayon wrappers. When that didn't look like enough of a collage for me, and it was too organized, I decided that splattering nail polish over top of it would be fun and messy. So that's what I did. 
   Image two is similar in that I splashed nail polish on it, three colors, except I did this over pre-wrap used in medical taping  This actually absorbed it rather differently. However this wasn't enough. I then melted some of my crayons, purple and green, on top of it. I like the texture difference, but it doesn't photograph well. 
   Image three was harder. I liked the post it notes and I even liked the casing so I used that too. I liked the pre-wrap too so that made it as well. I wanted to incorporate that it is breast cancer awareness month thus the ribbon, which actually led to the use of the other ribbon. The gem was in the ribbon bag and came from my boyfriends cousins wedding. I like that as a sentimental touch. 
    Overall I thought these came out interesting and I had a lot of fun doing them. 

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    I am an Art student who is looking to get into art education. I love ceramics and several other media. This is the first blog I have ever done. Feedback is appreciated.


    December 2012
    October 2012

